Share Savings Accounts
A safe place to deposit and save your money. Your account earns interest and qualifies you as a member (owner of a share) of Notre Dame Community Federal Credit Union. Minimum account opening deposit of $25.00 required.
Share Draft Accounts
A safe convenient checking account that earns interest. You can access your money by writing checks, using your Debit Card, or use our free on-line bill pay with our Virtual Branch.
Share Certificates
Earn higher rates of interest by depositing $500.00 or more into accounts for specified periods of time from 6 months to 48 months. Different rates and terms may require larger minimum deposits. These certificates are insured by NCUA and the interest rate at the time of deposit is guaranteed for the term of the certificate. There may be a penalty for early withdrawal from the share certificate.
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)
IRA’s are available to help you save for retirement or to rollover your 401K or qualified pensions. We offer Traditional and Roth IRA’s. Contact our IRA representative for more information.